Ignite Smithsonian Museum Tech Presentations (Pt. 1)
13 years ago
- Welcome and Introductions: Michael Edson, Smithsonian Institution
- Welcome and Introductions (Michael Edson, Smithsonian Institution)
- Video Postcard: Caroline Woolard: Trade School http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp2sPRiT50I
- Tim Hart: Cultural Data Sculpting
- Steve Midgley: Learning Registry: free to be you and me
- Simon Sherrin: Giving everyone a bite of the Apple
- Philip Auerswald: Creating a Place for the Future
- Philip Auerswald: Creating a Place for the Future
- Neal Stimler: Renewing American Democracy Through Museums & Digital Culture
- Neal Stimler: Renewing American Democracy Through Museums & Digital Culture
- Martin Kalfatovic: ebooks for everybody
- Margriet Schavemaker: The Museum as InnovatAR
- Koven Smith: What's the Point of a Museum Website?
- Kevin Novak: The New White Space
- Katie Filbert and Sarah Stierch: Be GLAMorous: Join WikiProject GLAM/SI
- Katie Filbert and Sarah Stierch: Be GLAMorous: Join WikiProject GLAM/SI
- Kate Theimer: How I Got Over My Hatred of "Archive" as a Verb, and Other Stories of Words and Evolutions
- Kate Theimer: How I Got Over My Hatred of "Archive" as a Verb, and Other Stories of Words and Evolutions
- Jasper Visser (partial clip): A look at the wondrous world of automatic vending machines through the eyes of a museum professional
- Interlude #5: Video Postcard, Cohere/Unicorn; Video Postcard, Lookback Maps #lodlam
- Interlude #5: Cohere/Unicorn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naVAagP2-ts; LookbackMaps/ #lodlam:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdrVI7emnt4
- Interlude #4: SOUR_Hibi_no_neiro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfBlUQguvyw
- Interlude #3: Aesthetics in Astronomy; Augmented City
- Interlude #2: Video Postcard from Nik Honeysett; Hammerdance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwzN4633mpI
- Interlude #1: Video Postcard, Caroline Woolard: Trade School http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp2sPRiT50I
- Ignite Smithsonian Opens - Mike Edson Introduces Phillip Auerswald: Creating a Place for the Future
- Fiona Rigby: Making New Zealand Content Easier to Find, Share, Use
- Elissa Frankle: Citizen History: Making History with the Masses
- Elissa Frankle: Citizen History: Making History with the Masses
- David Hart: The Cleveland Dilemma, Or How To Stop Making Things People Don’t Want
- David Hart: The Cleveland Dilemma, Or How To Stop Making Things People Don’t Want
- Carmen Iannacone: Hello, I'm a knowledge worker
- Brett Bobley: Digging into Data Challenge
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